
About Me Page

Bonjour! As you might have gathered from the blog name, I’m originally French and live outside of Washington DC.

Welcome to my French Chic fashion blog which is a glimpse into my daily outfits, my French lifestyle, travels, and all things French of course!

When I’m not blogging  on how to get that French effortless chic style, I’m working on launching my image consulting and styling services which I’m planning to offer very soon. Stay tuned!

Why the name Bon & Chic Style? Growing up in France in the ’80s, I was heavily influenced by the BCBG subculture.  Since then I have created my own style which can be defined as Modern Classic and French Chic. Now that I’m in my forties, I feel comfortable in my own style. I use fashion trends to refresh my style, rather than changing my entire wardrobe with the latest fashion trends.

Cooking is a huge part of my life. I’ve spent my childhood in the kitchen learning how to cook with my mother and grandmother. While I’m by no mean a professional chef, I enjoy cooking simple and fresh meals for friends and family.

Traveling is always on my mind. I can say that I’m a true Gemini! From family vacations to long getaway weekends, I love planning our next escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday life.

Thank you so much for reading and please say hello! I promise to answer in English!

 Photo by Carola Williamson